Black Triangular UFO And Pentagon Cover-Up: The Mysterious Pyramid-Shaped UFO
Black Triaпgular UFO Aпd Peпtagοп Cοver-Uρ: The Mysteriοus Pyramid-Shaρed UFO
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The Pentagon, which houses the United States Department of Defense, is the world's biggest office structure with 6,000,000 square feet of office space.

As it contains many of our highest-ranking officials and a great deal of our most sensitive information, it is also one of the most secure structures on the world.

Bearing this in mind, we should all be astonished and appreciative of this apparent new policy of UFO display transparency.

Given the now-famous F18 gun camera footage of UFOs, the Pentagon has obviously concluded that prolonged secrecy is futile. Is it feasible that after all these years, they still require the aid of UFO experts? Regrettably, I am skeptical of this and continue to believe they have no need for our assistance.

Consider for a moment that perhaps they are revealing just what they want us to see and nothing else. Consider the number of news shows, stories, and interviews devoted to these films. Amazing amounts of media resources have been devoted to pursuing this topic. I would argue that this situation is a textbook illustration of diversion. The magician's tricks can only be performed if the audience looks in the desired direction.

Pyramidal UFO

Unrecognized Aerial Pyramid

I will analyze one of the largest examples of inexplicable UFOs that are not generally acknowledged. This is the Unacknowledged Aerial Pyramid UAP case. It was the third anniversary of this unique incident on December 19, 2021.

It has all the hallmarks of a traditional Pentagon cover-up camouflaged by a conspiracy. The mainstream media is absolutely ignoring it, and none of the big UFO organizations have acknowledged it. Perhaps even international intrigue!

This story was initially brought to my attention on the Travel Channel program Paranormal Caught on Camera, season 1, episode 7, Washington EST, which aired on March 27, 2019, barely four months after the sightings. Their specialists assessed that this sighting looked to be authentic and not a fake or CGI.

The 19th of December was a partly overcast night in the nation's capital with a temperature in the mid-30s around 4 a.m. when two friends, Richard and Nick, spotted something from their automobile and began filming with their cell phones.

The footage was modified to make the black ship more noticeable against the night sky's darkness. But, they were not the only recipients of this tape. Alexander Dude, who has a Russian accent, was apprehended near Arlington National Cemetery.

A third couple also videotaped this, and a detailed examination of all these films reveals many conclusions. Secondly, this seems solid, not translucent, and is a tetrahedron with four sides, not a pyramid with five sides. Last but not least, it rotates slowly while being the size of a Boeing 747 or greater. We have at least three documented observations of this incident by different persons in various locales. According to one of the program's experienced analysts, conspiracy theorists must be going crazy over this case. In contrast, as you shall see, this is not the case.

But, this is not the first time an aerial spinning tetrahedron has been observed. On December 9, 2009, an object with the same characteristics was observed for many hours over the Kremlin in Russia. The Russian media said that this instance likewise has many tapes accessible, but with a significant variation.

So we have two reports of a very similar object separated by nearly nine years. The absence of news coverage naturally prompts me to hypothesize about what this is. The first scenario is that we created this object.

The Russians displayed their 2009 model, so we had to surpass them with our "Sport" model from 2018. This argument presupposes that enormous, unrecognized technical advancements have occurred.

This would explain our military's seeming lack of concern. If they know what it is and why it is hanging over their offices, there is no need to spend jet fuel on a closer examination. Some military analysts, however, have decided that this is not one of "ours." The second possibility is that a big hologram or unidentified visual technology was being displayed. Perhaps our new Space Force was attempting to make an impression by showcasing their new technologies.

Maybe a planned military projection test from space or the Pentagon to simulate a revolving vessel. After analyzing this instance, experts on holographic imagery concluded that the item appears to contain shadows and a section that is darker than the backdrop, which are two indicators that it is not a holographic picture.

Another conceivable explanation is totally out of this world: that this unidentified flying object was flown by extraterrestrials! Yep, a genuine UFO! The absence of documented military response indicates, once again, that we were aware of their presence, or that no one in the Pentagon saw or detected them due to unknown cloaking or stealth technology.

Yet since it was visible to the naked eye, this seems implausible. Why would the media and UFO organizations disregard this case on purpose? There is another explanation that clarifies another aspect of this conundrum. In late December 2018, a video of a United Nations session announcing that the UFO sighting at the Pentagon was a real first contact event emerged. Aliya Prokofyeva is delivering the announcement. She has since wed and now goes by the name Aliya Grieg.

She is Russian, a self-proclaimed Space Visionary, and descended from astronomers and physicists. She is depicted as stating that this occurrence represents our first encounter with extraterrestrials. She adds that NASA received and interacted with this item.

This video has been scrutinized and determined to be a fraud. Aliya was digitally added into a video of UN Secretary-General António Guterres speaking at the podium. The video is excellent, but the audio is horrible; nonetheless, closed captioning is available.

Several attempts to contact Aliya for comment have gone unanswered. Social media accounts reveal that she traveled from Moscow to New York for a vacation during the week after the Pentagon encounter. According to my knowledge, no individual or organization has claimed credit for the fake UN film.

The first idea that comes to mind is the Russian links. First, the 2009 Moscow UAP sightings. Secondly, one of the Paranormal program's witnesses had a distinct Russian accent. The third is the arrival of a well-known Russian space specialist in New York within one week after the Pentagon's observation.

The publication of the phony UN video within two weeks of the Pentagon's sighting with the Russian space expert was the last event. It is probable that this was an exceptionally well-orchestrated hoax, with Washington cooperating to enable it and the United Nations declaration serving as the concluding chapter.

Certainly circumstantial evidence. Nonetheless, the impact of the bogus UN film cannot be denied. That has placed a lengthy legitimacy shadow on the 2018 Pentagon sighting. When initially sharing this article to Facebook UFO groups, twenty-five percent of group administrators declined or removed the post, citing the fake video as the cause.

Hence I will pose the following questions to readers who are interested in this case: What would the Russians gain and why would they seek to undermine this case? Does Russia engage in collusion? Because of the media embargo, avoiding having to answer questions about this case appears to be the only genuine gain for the Pentagon.

Whatever of the facts of this UAP at the Pentagon, this is one of the most peculiar situations I have ever researched.

Please contact me with any comments or questions.

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