Contact UFO: Coyame, the Mexico-based “Roswell” case
Cοпtact UFO: Cοyame, the Mexicο-based “Rοswell” case
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We have launched a new ufology segment titled "Contact UFO" in collaboration with the YouTube channel " The Cross 1984 ".

In this first essay, we'll discuss the Coyame event, which began on August 24, 1974. An unidentified flying object appears to be traveling in the direction of Corpus Christi, Texas, which is located on the Gulf of Mexico.

This mysterious object is spotted by a radar of the United States' air defense, grabbing the attention of the air traffic controllers who were stationed in the control tower that morning owing to the high speed with which it approached the area, roughly 4000 kilometers per hour.

The path of that item seemed straight and reasonably typical, but then everything took an unexpected turn and, after being noticed by the controllers, it altered course towards Santiago de Coyame in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, in the desert.

Following the radar track of the military jet and the mysterious item, it was apparent that the two objects had collided.

The soldiers of the United States government sought to intervene and offer their services to aid in the retrieval of the remains, but the Mexican government flatly refused and rejected any assistance from the United States.

The government of Mexico immediately dispatched a vehicle with a rescue team to the location in an attempt to determine what had occurred and recover some rest. However, the US government disobeyed the Mexican government despite receiving a denial of assistance and dispatched four Hirling helicopters with a team of fifteen soldiers.

Neither side understood what had actually occurred or what could be found in the region. The United States government had first exhibited a great degree of interest in the occurrence of the events in that location and how everything had transpired; however, the high velocity of the object and its abrupt shift in direction cast doubt on what had occurred. Seen on the radar, it appeared as though the object they were attempting to discover had abruptly altered course and decided to deceive them. But, the worst, most sinister, and most suspicious was yet to come...

According to the reconnaissance team's reports, when the U.S. troops arrived late at the area, they discovered the Mexican government team in position, but... dead. Its four members, Captain Rogelio Arguelles González, Sergeant Teófilio Margarito Puebla, Corporal José Trinidad Meras, and Corporal Ricardo Vela, were at the scene and had apparently been killed by asphyxiation. They were able to confirm that the deceased member of the Mexican military had not had the opportunity to defend himself, or at least there were no indications that he had attempted to do so because his weapons were still loaded.

The case subsequently turned into a scene of terror and uncertainty with the discovery of four bodies. In the vicinity of the victims, a few meters away, there was an unexplained flying object, but there was no trace of the first aircraft, which allegedly crashed with the UFO. The metallic, unknown-aspect item found toppled in the area of the car where four Mexicans perished in the desert.

The swift American crew is preparing to remove the item in order to investigate it and attempt to determine its origin. Thus, the U.S. military transported the object to a location approximately 15 kilometers away, where a train convoy was waiting to transport it to Ray Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, where it has been widely believed for many years that similar incidents, spaceships, extraterrestrial life, etc. have occurred there.

The most intriguing aspect of this story would be the death of these four Mexican soldiers. There had to be a reason for their deaths, or else the story would make no sense. The strange manner of their deaths sparked many suspicions, which have been filed in other cases without clarification of the facts, such as the famous case of Roswell, where it was also revealed that the remains of the ship found were of a notorious nature.

And the matter was reviewed and treated as so-called reverse engineering, that is, the American recovery team was instructed to arrive and eliminate the four Mexican troops in order to get access to the captives after determining that the Mexicans had arrived before them. to the unidentified flying object with the intention of obtaining the ship's technology for national interests and not being able to let those who had already arrived escape, there was much speculation about what transpired there that afternoon because everything seemed to indicate that they were killed by American soldiers.

Regarding the eventual destination of the object, there is insufficient evidence to conclude what transpired there that day; every speculation is rejected, suspicions are quelled, and witnesses are dodged. None of the two governments were named in the files of what may be this ufológico file; they did not provide a credible explanation for what occurred. But, the locals and some eyewitness demonstrate a totally different reality.

The American authorities decided to cover up the UFO encounter involving the population of Coyame after discovering multiple eyewitnesses. They gave the Mexico government the command to deny what occurred there that day, and then destroyed the great bulk of records and evidence. This example, like others, asks us to consider the influence that some governments may have when they have specific political objectives buried among them in order to achieve their goal... No?

Also Read: The Great Pyramid of Giza was a massive energy generator.

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