UFOs caused a blackout, flashed blinding lights, and were seen by numerous witnesses during Bill Pec

UFOs caused a blackout, flashed blinding lights, and were seen by numerous witnesses during Bill Pecha Jr. s Colusa UFO Encounter
UFOs caused a blackοut, flashed bliпdiпg lights, aпd were seeп by пumerοus witпesses duriпg Bill Pecha Jr. s Cοlusa UFO Eпcοuпter
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In 1976, Colusa, California homeowners Bill Pecha Jr. and his wife claimed to have witnessed multiple flying saucers above their home.

These UFOs flew close to power lines, resulting in many electrical failures and even a blackout.

On September 10, 1976, at 12:54 a.m., while watching television in his house three miles southwest of Colusa, California, Bill Pecha Jr. witnessed the image tube crackle, fade, and then blackout.

The air conditioner turned off simultaneously. Pecha exited the residence, went right (south), and strolled on his lawn, presuming that the circuit breakers had failed. As he stood only a few steps from the subterranean tunnel that connected his machine shop to his home, the hairs on his body sprang up.

The 1976 Colusa UFO Incident

He was certain at this moment that the cables were about to short out. When he moved away from the cable, he continued to feel an electric charge. He spotted a large disc-shaped object floating around 50 feet above him. It was just over the 40-foot-tall gable roof of his barn, and a portion of the rim looked to be directly above a television antenna connected to a telephone pole.

In 1976, Bell Pecha Jr. claimed to have witnessed multiple UFOs near his house in Colusa, California.

The construction of the UFO's dome was comprised of concave parts of vertical ribs. The dome and its base were silver-gray, and the bottom seemed porcelain-like, which Pecha believed was a result of the light. The outer rim, which rotated in a clockwise direction, appeared to be constructed of stainless steel. A transparent shaft of grayish-white light emanated from the middle of a 10-foot-wide circle on the underbelly. It barely dropped five or six feet before abruptly stopping in midair. On the ground, it neither reflected nor shined.

Two arms resembling hooks, angled inward, swung down from the UFO's left and right sides (as seen by Pecha). Three "cables" materialized on either side of the center light shaft, between the hooks and the light shaft. They were between six and eight feet in length and two to three inches in width. To avoid collision with the south-sloping roof of the barn, the three on the left (north) side were staggered 45 degrees above the top.

William Pecha Jr. approached the UFO until he was just below its southern edge. A team from the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) was able to determine the object's diameter based on his description. Just thereafter, the UFO began to gently glide westward. When Pecha was between 75 and 150 feet distant, the wires were retracted. The hooks then swung halfway upwards and inwards. Two hatches on the northern and southern ends opened, revealing a spotlight bulb.

"The so-called spotlights were supported by cable-like fittings. The spotlights were activated as soon as they emerged. These projected collimated beams of light that struck the ground at an angle of approximately 45 degrees."


Pecha returned home to rouse his wife. Lenda Pecha, his wife, awoke fast when he pounded on the wall, and when she peered out the dining room window, she saw a light.

It reminded me of an aviation landing light, as if a plane were preparing to land. Then, all of a sudden, light emanated from underneath it and illuminated the ground underneath it. Frost-colored light appeared as a cone-shaped tube.

Lenda Pecha

Bill Pecha Jr. spotted two further UFOs over high-tension electrical power wires a mile west of their sleeping 10-year-old son Chris's bedroom.

"Each item was positioned between and above two towers. The configuration was as follows: tower-1, UFO, tower-2, bare wires, tower-3, UFO, and tower-4.

Each of these distant UFOs released two light-like beams that struck the apexes of the transmission towers between which it was located. The beams of the right UFO were blue, and all four towers were illuminated with blue light. The beams were directed upward at an angle between 30 and 45 degrees below the horizontal. The towers supported six electrical lines. Pecha claimed that one or both of the two tallest lines flashed brilliant red from the insulators of towers-1 and 2 to a distance of about fifty to one hundred feet on both sides of the towers. (These were the identical towers illuminated by the UFO on the left's blue light.) Pecha stated that the beams on towers-1 and 2 had 'darker' (meaning brighter or more intense) blue 'jerky' light streams.

According to him, the 'jerkiness' was not like lightning or a zigzag, nor did it appear to have a phase velocity or motion. He was unable to establish if the right-hand UFO's beams had these 'jerky' light-streams or whether the power lines near towers 3, 4, and 5 blazed red. The UFO and skyscrapers on the right were further away than those on the left. The left towers were 4,450 and 5,150 feet apart (towers-1 and 2, respectively) — the lines between these towers deviated from Pecha's line of sight by approximately 53 degrees (so he had a good view of them). The right towers were approximately 6,200 and 7,320 feet apart (towers-3 and 4 respectively). Yet, the lines on these latter towers are angled just 4.25 degrees away from Pecha's line of sight; hence, they would have been difficult to spot. (The lines from towers 1 and 2 travel southeast to northwest, while tower 2 makes a sharp bend almost straight west.) Both items have width-to-height ratios of around 3. (long axis horizontal). Pecha said he observed'spotlight' fixtures generating beams on the UFO's left side."

The APRO team report

Pecha raced from her chamber and cried that they had to leave immediately or the UFO would "get" them. When Ms. Pecha glanced again out the window, the first UFO was significantly closer. Others, however, were able to observe the UFO as a big moving light from a distance of two miles distant. It was visible for around a minute and a half before disappearing.

Colusa UFO Incident

William Pecha Jr. saw the UFO's movement from the dining room window. Eventually, APRO investigators calculated that it was between 500 and 900 feet above the earth. As it passed 2500 feet distant over his neighbor's house, "This light (from the bottom center) was lowered," he recalled. It suddenly appeared, and it was as brilliant as a flash cube. It was a very dazzling, white light. Because she was concerned for her spouse, Lenda Pecha's focus was not constantly on the item. Due to this, she did not see the light fall, but she did see it illuminate a neighbor's house, barn, and airplane hangar.

Pecha observed two distant UFOs departing at 45-degree angles, one moving south and the other north. When Lenda was rescuing their daughter, a reddish-amber light emanated from the middle of the UFO. Pecha thought that the two lights on either end of this ship were about to be directed towards them at any minute. The UFO was now around 1,000 feet distant, between the Pechas' and their neighbors' properties.

After dragging Chris out of bed, he hurried to the truck along with his wife and two other children. Pecha drove at almost 90 miles per hour without headlights out of fear that the UFO would detect them if he turned on the lights. Bill Pecha Jr. knocked until Mrs. Arant opened the door at the house of his lifelong friends, Leslie and Gayle Arant, on the outskirts of Colusa. Pecha shouted at her to look toward the sky.

"In the west, there appeared a gigantic object with a bright - really dazzling white - light beneath it. It was dark in the centre, but the outline was visible. And it resembled a saucer with the cup flipped upside down. It moved eastward from the west."

Mrs. Arant told detectives this.

Les Arant awoke just in time to see the UFO's departure to the south. It appeared for a fleeting second before disappearing. By 1:03 a.m., the situation came to an end. Bob Pratt, a UFO writer for the National Enquirer, eventually discovered a second eyewitness who observed an orange-red light pulse and dart toward the west. As she entered, it was heading downhill.

It appears that the power loss and UFO encounter were merely coincidental occurrences. Pacific Gas & Electric has confirmed that an outage occurred at 12:54 a.m. The government Central Valley Project owned the electricity wires over which the two UFOs were sighted. The blackout was triggered by an overloaded substation transformer that blew.

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